Plasmapheresis as therapeutic option in a 16-year-old with EVALI: A case report.

Plasmapheresis as therapeutic option in a 16-year-old with EVALI: A case report.

Publication date: Jul 01, 2024

Since 2019 when a cluster of cases with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) associated with e-cigarettes in the United States was reported, there have been increasing numbers of reports. Electronic-cigarette or Vaping Use-associated Lung Injury (EVALI) represents a recent entity of respiratory clinical syndromes, primarily in young adults. We report a previously healthy 16-year-old boy who developed severe ARDS following a brief nonspecific prodromal phase after excessive consumption of e-cigarettes. Despite maximum intensive care therapy, including several weeks of venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, plasmapheresis and repeated administration of immunoglobulins seemed the only way to achieve therapeutic success. Although many case reports have been published, to our knowledge, there are none to date on the therapeutic use of plasmaphoresis in severe EVALI. This case highlights the clinical features of EVALI and the diagnostic dilemma that can arise with EVALI occurring against the background of an expired SARS-CoV-2 infection, with a paediatric inflammatory syndrome (PIMS) as differential diagnosis. EVALI is a diagnosis of exclusion, and the medical history of vaping and e-cigarette use can provide valuable clues. Ethical approval for this case report (protocol number 23-145 RS) was provided by the Ethical Committee of the Department of Medicine, Philipps-UniversitcE4t Marburg, Germany on 13 th of June 2023. Written informed consent to publish this case and the associated images was obtained from the patient and his mother.

Concepts Keywords
Adults Adolescent
Germany COVID-19
Immunoglobulins Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
June Humans
Universitt Male
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Treatment Outcome


Type Source Name
disease MESH syndromes
disease IDO entity
disease MESH acute respiratory distress syndrome
disease VO report
disease MESH EVALI
disease MESH SARS-CoV-2 infection
drug DRUGBANK Spinosad
drug DRUGBANK Nicotine
disease VO protocol
disease IDO history
pathway REACTOME SARS-CoV-2 Infection

Original Article

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