‘Unifying’ definition of long COVID is set to aid diagnosis, but will it?

‘Unifying’ definition of long COVID is set to aid diagnosis, but will it?

Publication date: Jun 19, 2024

My personal experience has been [that] most patients receive huge scepticism from the medical profession about long COVID, he told us. An umbrella definition for long COVID was established last week by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), as requested by the United States government. However, some medical professionals say that disputes within the medical community about a disease with so many different symptoms will likely persist. According to Cutler: The names long COVID, or long-haul COVID, or [post-acute COVID syndrome] have now all been labeled long COVID. Share on Pinterest Can a new umbrella-definition of long COVID help healthcare providers diagnose the condition and suggest better treatment avenues? Allder also believed that narrowing a range of symptoms down to one direct cause, often based on a patients own statements, can be problematic. Major conflicts arise from the fact that current definitions rely mainly on the presence of patient self-reported subjective symptoms.

Concepts Keywords
April Allder
Coalface Condition
Cutler Consensus
Focusdepressionmuscle Covid
Healthcare Definition


Type Source Name
disease MESH long COVID
drug DRUGBANK Tropicamide
disease MESH infection
disease MESH chronic condition
disease MESH SARS-CoV-2 infection
pathway REACTOME SARS-CoV-2 Infection
disease VO organ
drug DRUGBANK Nonoxynol-9
disease MESH syndrome

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