Current Diagnostic Techniques for Pneumonia: A Scoping Review.

Current Diagnostic Techniques for Pneumonia: A Scoping Review.

Publication date: Jul 01, 2024

Community-acquired pneumonia is one of the most lethal infectious diseases, especially for infants and the elderly. Given the variety of causative agents, the accurate early detection of pneumonia is an active research area. To the best of our knowledge, scoping reviews on diagnostic techniques for pneumonia are lacking. In this scoping review, three major electronic databases were searched and the resulting research was screened. We categorized these diagnostic techniques into four classes (i. e., lab-based methods, imaging-based techniques, acoustic-based techniques, and physiological-measurement-based techniques) and summarized their recent applications. Major research has been skewed towards imaging-based techniques, especially after COVID-19. Currently, chest X-rays and blood tests are the most common tools in the clinical setting to establish a diagnosis; however, there is a need to look for safe, non-invasive, and more rapid techniques for diagnosis. Recently, some non-invasive techniques based on wearable sensors achieved reasonable diagnostic accuracy that could open a new chapter for future applications. Consequently, further research and technology development are still needed for pneumonia diagnosis using non-invasive physiological parameters to attain a better point of care for pneumonia patients.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Acoustic community-acquired pneumonia
Basel COVID-19
Elderly COVID-19
Lab diagnostic radiography
Pneumonia Humans
medical diagnosis
non-invasive measurements


Type Source Name
disease MESH Pneumonia
disease MESH infectious diseases
disease MESH COVID-19
disease IDO blood
drug DRUGBANK Tropicamide
disease MESH infection
disease IDO acute infection
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease MESH bronchiolitis
disease MESH Nosocomial infection
disease MESH nosocomial pneumonia
disease VO Viruses
disease VO Bacteria
disease VO Fungi
disease MESH etiology
disease MESH influenza
disease VO Metapneumovirus
disease MESH parainfluenza
disease MESH chest pain
disease MESH COPD
disease MESH complications
disease IDO antibiotic resistance
disease MESH pneumococcal pneumonia
disease MESH Death
drug DRUGBANK Nonoxynol-9
disease MESH respiratory tract infection
disease VO organ
disease VO effective
disease VO population
disease VO vaccinated
disease MESH Tachycardia
drug DRUGBANK Oxygen

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