Publication date: Jul 11, 2024
The American Lung Association’s “State of the Air” 2023 report reveals almost 36% of Americans live with unhealthy levels of air pollution. Studies link air pollution with acute respiratory symptoms and exacerbation of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Differential air pollution exposures between white and non-white communities are significant components of environmental injustices. Even during the COVID-19 lockdown, when the United States experienced significant decreases in polluting activities, these differences persisted. The American College of Preventive Medicine’s Science and Translation Committee conducted a nonsystematic literature review to explore initiatives addressing air pollution as a key component of environmental justice, the state of the science regarding health impacts, and evidence supporting mitigations to reduce those impacts. We recommend advocacy for cleaner energy sources and increasing green space; and increasing research, surveillance, and education and training on linkages between air pollutants and health. We recommend preventive medicine physicians raise awareness about increased risks of cardiovascular disease, cancer, asthma, and reduced lung function with air pollution exposure. Preventive medicine physicians may also educate patients and other practitioners about exposures, and how “conventional” disease prevention strategies may have unintended consequences; and influence healthcare leaders to improve efficiency and reduce emissions. We also recommend physicians utilize social determinants of health (SDOH) Z-Codes to capture environmental factors. Private payers should incorporate pollution exposure data into SDOH risk-adjustments for Medicare Advantage programs. Medicaid agencies should develop provider recommendations for pediatric populations, and states should finance in-home interventions for asthma.
Concepts | Keywords |
American | Air pollution |
Cancer | environment |
Environmental | environmental justice |
Live | |
Unhealthy |
Type | Source | Name |
drug | DRUGBANK | Medical air |
disease | VO | report |
disease | MESH | cardiovascular diseases |
disease | MESH | COVID-19 |
pathway | REACTOME | Translation |
disease | MESH | cancer |
disease | MESH | asthma |
pathway | KEGG | Asthma |
disease | VO | efficiency |