[Social situation, health, and health behavior of children and adolescents in one-parent households at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of the KIDA study 2022-2023].

[Social situation, health, and health behavior of children and adolescents in one-parent households at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of the KIDA study 2022-2023].

Publication date: Jul 12, 2024

During the COVID-19 pandemic, single parents and their children were particularly exposed to stress due to the containment measures and to limited resources. We analyzed differences in the social and health situation of children and adolescents in one-parent households and two-parent households at the end of the pandemic. The analysis is based on data from the KIDA study, in which parents of 3- to 15-year-old children as well as 16- to 17-year-old adolescents were surveyed in 2022/2023 (telephone: n = 6992; online: n = 2896). Prevalences stratified by family type were calculated for the indicators psychosocial stress, social support, health, and health behavior. Poisson regressions were adjusted for gender, age, level of education, and household income. Children and adolescents from one-parent households are more likely to be burdened by financial restrictions, family conflicts, and poor living conditions and receive less school support than peers from two-parent households. They are more likely to have impairments in health as well as increased healthcare needs, and they use psychosocial services more frequently. Furthermore, they are less likely to be active in sports clubs, but they take part in sporting activities at schools as often as minors from two-parent households. The differences are also evident when controlling for income and education. Children and adolescents from one-parent households can be reached well through exercise programs in a school setting. Low-threshold offers in daycare centers, schools, and the community should therefore be further expanded. Furthermore, interventions are needed to improve the socioeconomic situation of single parents and their children.

Concepts Keywords
Bundesgesundheitsblatt Family
Healthcare Family type
Pandemic Health inequality
Parents Single-parent family


Type Source Name
disease MESH COVID-19 pandemic
disease MESH level of education

Original Article

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