Long-term results of the treatment of patients with exudative age-related macular degeneration during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Publication date: Jul 16, 2024

To quantify the long-term impact (24 months) on the visual results and activity of neovascular lesions of COVID-19 confinement in patients with nAMD in our population. A retrospective observational study of patients with nAMD who attended consultation or were treated during the 3 months before confinement was carried out. 144 patients (168 eyes) with nAMD were included, 51 of them (35. 42%) came during confinement, and at 24 months the final cohort was 118 patients (133 eyes). The previous VA of 57. 99 +/- 23. 68 letters decreased, clinically relevant and statistically significant, by an average of 6. 87 (+/-16. 84) and 7. 89 (+/-19. 58) at 12- and 24-months follow-up. This change differs significantly from the two-year vision change observed in the national database of pretreated patients. The median number of injections and consultations is lower in our group at 12 months, compared to the pre-pandemic national database, and tends to equalize at 24 months. We did not find differences in vision when we compared patients who attended consultations during confinement or in treatment intervals greater than 8 weeks (Tq8w). The VA of patients with nAMD decreased significantly after confinement, probably due to the lower number of antiangiogenic injections and consultations during the first year, and did not recover during the second year despite the increase in the number of injections and visits close to those reported before confinement.

Concepts Keywords
Antiangiogenic age-related macular degeneration
Covid anti-VEGF
Months antiangiogenic
Patients antiangiogénicos


Type Source Name
disease MESH age-related macular degeneration
disease MESH Covid-19 pandemic
disease VO population

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