Physical and psychological status of emergency assistance personnel at major public health events: a qualitative descriptive study.

Physical and psychological status of emergency assistance personnel at major public health events: a qualitative descriptive study.

Publication date: Jul 18, 2024

Many personnel respond to natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis and frequent public health events like Ebola and COVID-19. However, research on emergency assistance personnel remains limited. This study aims to describe the perceived well-being among responders deployed in isolated or emergency international missions while providing practical references to intervene in developing similar missions. For this qualitative phenomenological study, purposive sampling was used following the principle of maximum differentiation to select personnel deployed on an emergency mission for over a year. Data collection continued until data saturation. Phenomenologically semi-structured interviews helped explore the physical and psychological status of the participants with Colaizzi’s method. Eleven personnel were interviewed after the mission, with four major themes being identified: ‘perceived somatic change,’ ‘perceived emotional change,’ ‘behavioral change,’ and ‘coping with perceived change. ‘ The mental health status of the emergency assistance personnel was affected by multiple factors from external and internal environments. The current study explored the physical and psychological feelings and emotions of emergency assistance personnel during an emergency mission. The study provided a practical reference for health management under similar missions. Not registered.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Colaizzi Psychological interview
Ebola Public health
Interviews Qualitative research
Qualitative Rescue work


Type Source Name
disease MESH emergency
disease MESH COVID-19
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease VO Pla
disease VO time
disease MESH uncertainty
disease MESH post traumatic stress disorder
disease MESH alcohol abuse
disease MESH suicide
disease VO efficiency
drug DRUGBANK Trestolone
disease MESH inadequate sleep
disease IDO symptom
disease IDO intervention
disease MESH marital status
disease MESH facial expressions
disease MESH sleep disorder
disease MESH weight loss
disease MESH eczema
disease MESH psychological stress
disease MESH panic
disease MESH paranoia
disease MESH seizure
disease VO frequency
disease VO effective
disease VO organization
disease VO monthly
disease MESH behavioral problems
disease MESH insomnia
disease MESH alopecia
disease MESH circadian rhythm disorders
drug DRUGBANK Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate
disease MESH homesickness
drug DRUGBANK Etoperidone
disease IDO quality
drug DRUGBANK Aspartame
disease MESH suicidal ideation
disease IDO history
drug DRUGBANK Isoxaflutole
disease MESH anxiety disorder
disease MESH Dementia
disease MESH mental disorders

Original Article

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