Phytochemicals in antiviral drug development against human respiratory viruses.

Phytochemicals in antiviral drug development against human respiratory viruses.

Publication date: Jul 18, 2024

This review explores the potential antiviral properties of various plant-based compounds, including polyphenols, phytochemicals, and terpenoids. It emphasizes the diverse functionalities of compounds such as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), quercetin, griffithsin (GRFT,) resveratrol, linalool, and carvacrol in the context of respiratory virus infections, including SARS-CoV-2. Emphasizing their effectiveness in modulating immune responses, disrupting viral envelopes, and influencing cellular signaling pathways, the review underlines the imperative for thorough research to establish safety and efficacy. Additionally, the review underscores the necessity of well-designed clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy and safety of these compounds as potential antiviral agents. This approach would establish a robust framework for future drug development efforts focused on bolstering host defense mechanisms against human respiratory viral infections.

Concepts Keywords
Antiviral antiviral
Envelopes defense
Future human respiratory viruses
Phytochemicals phytochemicals


Type Source Name
disease VO Viruses
drug DRUGBANK Epigallocatechin
drug DRUGBANK Epigallocatechin gallate
drug DRUGBANK Quercetin
drug DRUGBANK Resveratrol
disease MESH virus infections
disease VO effectiveness
disease IDO host

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