Treatment of a patient with severe cerebral malaria during the COVID-19 pandemic in China: A case report.

Treatment of a patient with severe cerebral malaria during the COVID-19 pandemic in China: A case report.

Publication date: Jul 16, 2024

On June 30, 2021, China received certification from the World Health Organization for malaria elimination. However, this certification does not signify the absence of malaria within China. Due to the increasing frequency of international exchanges and collaborations, the threat of imported malaria persists in China. Consequently, the prevention and control of imported malaria have become a primary focus for our country to maintain its malaria elimination status. Herein, we present a case report of a 53-year-old Chinese man who worked in Africa for nearly two years. He was diagnosed with malaria in the Democratic Republic of the Congo between November 19 and November 23, 2022. After receiving effective treatment with oral antimalarial drugs, his condition improved, allowing him to return to China. He was later admitted to our hospital on January 12, 2023, during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in Huangshi, China. Through a thorough evaluation of the patient’s symptoms, clinical signs, imaging and laboratory test results, and epidemiological data, he was rapidly diagnosed with severe cerebral malaria. The patient underwent successful treatment through a series of intensive care unit interventions. The successful treatment of this imported case of severe cerebral malaria provides a valuable reference for managing patients with similar malaria infections and has significant clinical implications.

Concepts Keywords
Africa Angong niuhuang Pill
China Case report
Coronavirus Imported patients
Democratic Pernicious malaria
Severe cerebral malaria
Traditional Chinese medicine


Type Source Name
disease MESH cerebral malaria
disease MESH COVID-19 pandemic
disease VO report
disease VO organization
disease MESH malaria
pathway KEGG Malaria
disease VO frequency
disease IDO country
disease VO effective
disease VO laboratory test
disease MESH infections
drug DRUGBANK Bos taurus gallstone

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