Analysis of B-cell receptor repertoire to evaluate the immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 RBD mRNA vaccine: MAFB-7256a (DS-5760d)

Publication date: Jul 20, 2024

A monovalent Omicron XBB.1.5 mRNA RBD analogue vaccine, MAFB-7256a (DS-5670d), was newly developed and approved in Japan in the Spring of 2024 for preventing COVID-19. However, clinical efficacy data for this vaccine are currently lacking. We previously established the Quantification of Antigen-specific Antibody Sequence (QASAS) method to assess the response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination at the mRNA level using B-cell receptor (BCR) repertoire assays and the Coronavirus Antibody Database (CoV-AbDab). Here, we used this method to evaluate the immunogenicity of MAFB-7256a. We analyzed repeated blood samples using the QASAS method from three healthy volunteers before and after MAFB-7256a vaccination. BCR response increased rapidly one week post-vaccination and then decreased, as with conventional vaccine. Notably, the matched sequences after MAFB-7256a vaccination specifically bound to the receptor-binding domain (RBD), with no sequences binding to other epitopes. These results validate that MAFB-7256a is an effective vaccine that exclusively induces antibodies specific for the RBD, demonstrating its targeted immunogenic effect.


Concepts Keywords
Bioinformatics 7256a
Coronavirus Antibody
Silkworm Cdr3
Unbiased Cov


Type Source Name
disease IDO cell
disease VO vaccine
disease MESH COVID-19
disease VO vaccination
disease IDO blood
disease VO effective
disease MESH Infection
disease MESH Infectious Diseases
drug DRUGBANK Amino acids
disease IDO host
drug DRUGBANK Angiotensin II
disease IDO history
disease VO protocol
disease VO USA
disease VO manufacturer
disease VO titer
disease VO Viruses
disease VO vaccinated
disease IDO immune response
disease VO effectiveness
disease VO immunization
disease VO efficient
disease MESH malignancy
disease IDO site

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