Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on maternity care and maternal outcome in the Netherlands: a national quasi-experimental study.

Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on maternity care and maternal outcome in the Netherlands: a national quasi-experimental study.

Publication date: Jul 20, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns disrupted health care worldwide. High-income countries observed a decrease in preterm births during lockdowns, but maternal pregnancy-related outcomes were also likely affected. This study investigates the effect of the first COVID-19 lockdown (March-June 2020) on provision of maternity care and maternal pregnancy-related outcomes in the Netherlands. National quasi-experimental study. Multiple linked national registries were used, and all births from a gestational age of 24+0 weeks in 2010-2020 were included. In births starting in midwife-led primary care, we assessed the effect of lockdown on provision of care. In the general pregnant population, the impact on characteristics of labour and maternal morbidity was assessed. A difference-in-regression-discontinuity design was used to derive causal estimates for the year 2020. A total of 1,039,728 births were included. During the lockdown, births to women who started labour in midwife-led primary care (49%) more often ended at home (27% pre-lockdown, +10% [95% confidence interval: +7%, +13%]). A small decrease was seen in referrals towards obstetrician-led care during labour (46%, -3% [-5%,-0%]). In the overall group, no significant change was seen in induction of labour (27%, +1% [-1%, +3%]). We found no significant changes in the incidence of emergency caesarean section (9%, -1% [-2%, +0%]), obstetric anal sphincter injury (2%, +0% [-0%, +1%]), episiotomy (21%, -0% [-2%, +1%]), or post-partum haemorrhage: >1000 ml (6%, -0% [-1%, +1%]). During the first COVID-19 lockdown in the Netherlands, a substantial increase in homebirths was seen. There was no evidence for changed available maternal outcomes, suggesting that a maternity care system with a strong midwife-led primary care system may flexibly and safely adapt to external disruptions.

Concepts Keywords
Haemorrhage COVID-19
June Homebirth
Midwife Maternal health
Natural experiment


Type Source Name
disease MESH COVID-19
disease MESH preterm births
disease VO population
disease MESH morbidity
disease MESH emergency

Original Article

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