Cost-effectiveness of hospital-based treatment compared with community treatment centres: an analysis of Korea National Health Insurance claims data.

Cost-effectiveness of hospital-based treatment compared with community treatment centres: an analysis of Korea National Health Insurance claims data.

Publication date: Jul 24, 2024

We compared the cost-effectiveness of hospital-based treatment and that of community treatment centres (CTCs). We performed statistical analysis to compare the expenses incurred by COVID-19 patients who received hospital care with those incurred by COVID-19 patients who went to CTCs. A study was conducted on 411 530 COVID-19 inpatients and 243 329 CTC patients from January 2020 to December 2021. We calculated the probability of severe disease, hospitalisation period and medical expenses for inpatients and CTC patients. Subsequently, we analysed the cost-effectiveness of CTC compared with hospitalisation. Comparing medical expenses, CTC patients incurred 2 220 000 KRW on average, which is less than the expenses incurred by hospitalised COVID-19 patients. The study suggests that using a CTC may be more cost-effective than a hospital service alone.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
December Adult
Inpatients Aged
Korea Community Health Centers
Severe Cost-Benefit Analysis
health policy
infection control
Middle Aged
National Health Programs
Republic of Korea


Type Source Name
disease VO effectiveness
disease MESH COVID-19
disease VO effective
disease MESH Long Covid
disease IDO symptom
drug DRUGBANK Trestolone
disease MESH critically ill
disease IDO facility
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease VO time
disease VO pregnant women
drug DRUGBANK Methionine
disease MESH obesity
disease MESH vaginal bleeding
disease MESH lung diseases
disease MESH asthma
pathway KEGG Asthma
disease MESH heart failure
drug DRUGBANK Oxygen
drug DRUGBANK Etoperidone
disease MESH pneumonia
disease MESH syndrome
disease MESH ‘death
disease MESH infection
disease IDO production
drug DRUGBANK Isoxaflutole
disease VO protocol
disease VO publication
pathway REACTOME Translation
disease MESH Emergency
disease VO Imovax ID
pathway KEGG Coronavirus disease
disease MESH reinfection

Original Article

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