Cryo2RT: a high-throughput method for room-temperature macromolecular crystallography from cryocooled crystals.

Cryo2RT: a high-throughput method for room-temperature macromolecular crystallography from cryocooled crystals.

Publication date: Aug 01, 2024

Advances in structural biology have relied heavily on synchrotron cryo-crystallography and cryogenic electron microscopy to elucidate biological processes and for drug discovery. However, disparities between cryogenic and room-temperature (RT) crystal structures pose challenges. Here, Cryo2RT, a high-throughput RT data-collection method from frozen crystals that leverages the cryo-crystallography workflow, is introduced. Tested on endothiapepsin crystals with four soaked fragments, thaumatin and SARS-CoV-2 3CL, Cryo2RT reveals unique ligand-binding poses, offers a comparable throughput to cryo-crystallography and eases the exploration of structural dynamics at various temperatures.

Concepts Keywords
Biological Cryo2RT
Cryocooled ligand binding
Crystallography macromolecular crystallography
Eases room temperature
Synchrotron synchrotron beamlines

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