Unbiased plasma profiling using pre-selected RNA aptamer pools predicts mortality in COVID-19 and identifies protein risk factors.

Unbiased plasma profiling using pre-selected RNA aptamer pools predicts mortality in COVID-19 and identifies protein risk factors.

Publication date: Sep 10, 2024

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic demands effective prognostic tools for precise risk evaluation and timely intervention. This study utilized the APTASHAPE technology to profile plasma proteins in COVID-19 patient samples. Employing a highly diverse 2′-fluoro-protected RNA aptamer pool enriched toward proteins in the plasma samples from COVID-19 patients, we performed a single round of parallel selection on the derivation cohort and identified 93 discriminatory aptamers capable of distinguishing COVID-19 and healthy plasma samples. A subset of these aptamers was then used to predict 30-day mortality with high sensitivity and specificity in a validation cohort of 165 patients. We predicted 30-day mortality with areas under the curve (AUCs) of 0. 91 in females and 0. 68 in males. Affinity purification coupled with mass spectrometry analysis of the aptamer-targeted proteins identified potential biomarkers associated with disease severity, including complement system components. The study demonstrates the APTASHAPE technology as an unbiased approach that not only aids in predicting disease outcomes but also offers insights into gender-specific differences, shedding light on the nuanced aspects of COVID-19 pathophysiology. In conclusion, the findings highlight the promise of APTASHAPE as a valuable tool for estimating risk factors in COVID-19 patients and enabling stratification for personalized treatment management.

Concepts Keywords
Day biomarker discovery
Females blood analysis
Fluoro high-throughput screening
Mortality nanotechnology
Spectrometry next-generation sequencing
precision medicine
prognostic applications
protein biomarkers
RNA aptamers


Type Source Name
disease MESH COVID-19
disease VO effective
disease IDO intervention
disease MESH aids
disease MESH Long Covid
disease IDO blood

Original Article

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