Oropharyngeal Adverse Events to Drugs and Vaccines: Pharmacovigilance Data From Italy (2019-2021).

Oropharyngeal Adverse Events to Drugs and Vaccines: Pharmacovigilance Data From Italy (2019-2021).

Publication date: Oct 06, 2024

The aim of this study was to perform a descriptive analysis of oropharyngeal adverse events (AEs) related to drugs and/or vaccines in order to provide useful information for clinicians. Data related to three regions of Italy were analyzed from 2019 to 2021 by using the National Pharmacovigilance database. Among overall 67,384 cases, 2773 (4. 1%) reported at least one oropharyngeal AE. Most cases referred to females (71. 0%) and adults (70. 8%). The majority of cases were reported as not serious (68. 4%) and the outcome was mainly positive (73. 5%). The cases related to drugs (52. 2%) were slightly more than those related to vaccines (47. 8%), the latter nearly completely represented by COVID-19 vaccines. Among 3324 oropharyngeal AEs, the most commonly reported were oropharyngeal conditions (65. 9%). The most reported AEs related to vaccines were paresthesia oral and oropharyngeal pain, whereas the most reported AEs related to drugs were throat tightness and angioedema. A marked under-reporting of osteonecrosis of the jaw (2. 9%) was observed, despite this risk was well documented in the same country. This analysis suggested an under-reporting of oropharyngeal AEs and the need to better train dentists, dental hygienists, and also general practitioners.

Concepts Keywords
Dentists database
Females dentists
Italy oropharyngeal adverse events
Vaccines pharmacovigilance
spontaneous reporting


Type Source Name
disease MESH paresthesia
disease MESH angioedema
disease MESH osteonecrosis
disease IDO country
drug DRUGBANK Tropicamide

Original Article

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