Supporting clinicians post exposure to potentially traumatic events: Emergency department peer support program evaluation.

Supporting clinicians post exposure to potentially traumatic events: Emergency department peer support program evaluation.

Publication date: Oct 13, 2024

Workers in EDs are regularly exposed to potentially traumatic events. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been exponential interest in peer support programs (PSPs) in a range of settings. We describe a PSP implemented in 2017 at University Hospital Geelong (UHG) ED together with results of a survey. To describe the program such that others can replicate it in their settings in addition to feedback evaluation. Method involved a survey emailed to the ED doctors. Thirty responses from 96 emails with a range of feedback. ED Doctors place high value on the PSP.

Concepts Keywords
Australas critical incident
Doctors healthcare personnel
Emails peer support
Pandemic psychological first aid
Thirty secondary traumatic stress


Type Source Name
disease MESH Emergency
disease MESH COVID-19 pandemic
disease MESH secondary traumatic stress

Original Article

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