Vaccines and vaccination in prison settings: availability and model of service delivery in 20 European countries.

Vaccines and vaccination in prison settings: availability and model of service delivery in 20 European countries.

Publication date: Oct 05, 2024

Prisons, due to various risk factors, are environments that are conducive to infectious disease transmission, with significantly higher prevalence of infectious diseases within prisons compared to the general population. This underscores the importance of preventive measures, particularly vaccination. As part of the international project “Reaching the hard-to-reach: Increasing access and vaccine uptake among the prison population in Europe” (RISE-Vac), this study aimed to map the availability and delivery framework of vaccination services in prisons across Europe and beyond. A questionnaire designed to collect data on the availability and delivery model of vaccination services in prisons was validated and uploaded in SurveyMonkey in July 2023. Then, it was submitted to potential participants, with at least one representative from each European country. Potential participants emailed an invitation letter by the RISE-Vac partners and by the European Organization of Prison and Correctional Services (EUROPRIS). Twenty European countries responded. Vaccines are available in European countries, although their availability differs by country and type of vaccine. The first dose is offered to people living in prisons (PLP), mostly within one month, COVID-19 is the most widely offered vaccine. In all countries, vaccines are actively offered by healthcare workers; in most countries, there is no evaluation of vaccination status among people who work in prison. The survey shows variance in vaccine availability for PLP and staff across countries and vaccine types. Quality healthcare in prisons is not only a matter of the right to health but also a critical public health investment: enhancing vaccine uptake consistently among PLP and staff should be prioritized.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Europe COVID-19
Hard Europe
July Health Services Accessibility
Prisons Humans
Vaccines Immunization
Infectious diseases
Surveys and Questionnaires


Type Source Name
disease MESH infectious disease transmission
disease MESH infectious diseases
disease IDO country
drug DRUGBANK Pyridoxal Phosphate
disease MESH COVID-19
drug DRUGBANK Etoperidone
disease IDO quality
pathway REACTOME Reproduction
disease MESH infections
disease MESH hepatitis
disease MESH influenza
disease MESH measles
pathway KEGG Measles
drug DRUGBANK Serine
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease MESH vaccine preventable diseases
drug DRUGBANK Methylergometrine
disease MESH Diphtheria
disease MESH Tetanus
disease MESH Mumps
disease MESH Rubella
disease MESH Monkeypox
disease MESH Herpes Zoster
disease MESH varicella
disease MESH polio
disease MESH Pneumonia
disease IDO intervention
pathway REACTOME Release
disease MESH meningococcal disease
disease MESH Pertussis
pathway KEGG Pertussis
disease MESH tuberculosis
pathway KEGG Tuberculosis
disease MESH reemerging infectious diseases
drug DRUGBANK Indoleacetic acid
disease IDO facility
disease IDO infection
disease MESH Health Services Accessibility

Original Article

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