Global burden of vaccine-associated uveitis and their related vaccines, 1967-2023.

Publication date: Oct 18, 2024

Although uveitis after vaccination is rare, reports emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. We used the pharmacovigilance case/non-case study from 1967 to 2023 to assess the association between vaccines and uveitis. We identified a significant signal for uveitis (reporting OR (ROR), 1. 64; information component (IC), 0. 66) with 1508 reports. This association is pronounced in females of all ages after childhood. Specifically, the COVID-19 messenger RNA vaccines showed the strongest disproportionality signal (ROR, 5. 76; IC, 2. 33), followed by hepatitis B, papillomavirus, Ad (Adenovirus) 5-vectored COVID-19 and influenza vaccines. These findings underscore the importance of surveillance in the postmarketing phase to manage potential adverse events associated with vaccine administration.

Concepts Keywords
Childhood Epidemiology
Papillomavirus Uveitis


Type Source Name
disease MESH uveitis
disease MESH COVID-19 pandemic
disease MESH hepatitis B
pathway KEGG Hepatitis B

Original Article

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