Finding Long-COVID: temporal topic modeling of electronic health records from the N3C and RECOVER programs.

Publication date: Oct 21, 2024

Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), also known as Long-COVID, encompasses a variety of complex and varied outcomes following COVID-19 infection that are still poorly understood. We clustered over 600 million condition diagnoses from 14 million patients available through the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C), generating hundreds of highly detailed clinical phenotypes. Assessing patient clinical trajectories using these clusters allowed us to identify individual conditions and phenotypes strongly increased after acute infection. We found many conditions increased in COVID-19 patients compared to controls, and using a novel method to associate patients with clusters over time, we additionally found phenotypes specific to patient sex, age, wave of infection, and PASC diagnosis status. While many of these results reflect known PASC symptoms, the resolution provided by this unprecedented data scale suggests avenues for improved diagnostics and mechanistic understanding of this multifaceted disease.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Covid Acute
Diagnostics Clinical
Disease Clusters
Hundreds Conditions
Sex Covid


Type Source Name
disease MESH Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection
disease MESH COVID-19
disease MESH infection
disease IDO acute infection
disease MESH Sequelae
disease IDO host
disease MESH syndrome
disease IDO symptom
disease IDO history
disease MESH Kidney Diseases
disease IDO site
disease MESH Gout
disease MESH Phimosis
drug DRUGBANK Methionine
disease MESH Pneumonia
disease MESH Viral pneumonia
disease MESH Postviral fatigue syndrome
disease MESH Upper respiratory tract infection
disease MESH Influenza
disease MESH scarring
disease MESH alopecia
disease MESH Migraine with aura
disease MESH Anxiety disorder
disease MESH central nervous system Disorder
disease MESH Polyneuropathy
disease MESH Orthostatic hypotension
disease MESH Familial dysautonomia
disease MESH Tachycardia
disease MESH Congestive heart failure
disease MESH Myocarditis
disease MESH Cardiomyopathy
disease MESH Cardiomegaly
disease MESH Pulmonary embolism
disease MESH Bronchiectasis
disease MESH Fibrosis
disease MESH respiratory failure
disease MESH Reactive arthritis
disease MESH Lymphocytopenia
disease MESH Hypogammaglobulinemia
disease IDO immunodeficiency
disease MESH fungal infections
disease MESH Aspergillosis
disease MESH Pneumocystosis
disease MESH Fibromyalgia
disease MESH Blood coagulation disorder
disease MESH Anemia
disease MESH Hypocalcemia
disease MESH Hypokalemia
drug DRUGBANK Nicotine
disease MESH Diverticulosis
drug DRUGBANK Adenosine
drug DRUGBANK Ilex paraguariensis leaf
disease MESH Dyspnea
disease MESH Hypoxemia
disease MESH secondary infections
disease IDO primary infection
disease MESH Pericardial effusion
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease MESH Cardiac arrhythmia
disease MESH Chronic obstructive lung disease
disease MESH Pulmonary emphysema
disease MESH Brain fog
disease MESH Neurocirculatory asthenia
disease MESH Pleural effusion
disease MESH Acute renal failure
disease MESH Sepsis
disease MESH Acidosis
disease MESH thyroiditis
disease MESH Polymyalgia rheumatica
drug DRUGBANK Ranitidine

Original Article

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