Coronavirus S protein alters dsRNA accumulation and stress granule formation through regulation of ADAR1-p150 expression.

Coronavirus S protein alters dsRNA accumulation and stress granule formation through regulation of ADAR1-p150 expression.

Publication date: Oct 24, 2024

The precise role of the highly variable coronavirus S protein in modulating innate immune responses remains unclear. In this study, we demonstrated that the mutant strain of swine coronavirus porcine enteric diarrhea virus induced significantly lower levels of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) accumulation, inhibited protein kinase R (PKR) activation and suppressed stress granule (SG) formation compared with the classical strain. The 29th amino acid at N-terminus of S was identified as the key functional site for regulation of SG formation, and found that mutant S inhibited PKR phosphorylation and SG formation by upregulating adenosine deaminase acting on RNA 1 (ADAR1)-p150. Notably, the Zα domain of ADAR1-p150 was essential for inhibiting SG formation. Upregulation of ADAR1-p150 also reduced accumulation of dsRNA depending on its RNA editing function. Virus rescue confirmed that the mutant carrying a substitution at amino acid 29 failed to induce ADAR1-p150, leading to dsRNA accumulation, PKR activation and SG formation. Interestingly, the latest severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 strains exhibit a novel 25PPA27 deletion at N-terminus of S that was also shown to lead to altered ADAR1-p150 expression and SG inhibition. The transcription factor TCF7L2 was identified as a player in S-mediated transcriptional enhancement of ADAR1-p150. This study is the first to clarify the crucial role of N-terminus of S in immune regulation of coronaviruses.

Concepts Keywords
Adenosine Accumulation
Coronaviruses Adar1
Diarrhea Coronavirus
Kinase Dsrna
Mutant Expression


Type Source Name
disease IDO role
disease IDO site
drug DRUGBANK Pegademase bovine

Original Article

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