The impact of pandemic threats on intertemporal choices in Chinese and Americans.

Publication date: Oct 27, 2024

Intertemporal decisions are crucial to survival, especially when humans are exposed to ecological threats. However, it remains unclear whether and how pandemic threats impact intertemporal choices across cultures. We conducted two studies in two cultural contexts (N = 1180). Study 1a found that Chinese who perceived more pandemic threats showed higher temporal discounting rates (i. e., preferred immediate smaller over delayed larger rewards), and this relationship was mediated by negative emotions. Study 1b, using threat priming, revealed that Chinese participants primed with a high-threat condition (depicting a pandemic threat) showed higher temporal discounting rates compared to those primed with a low-threat condition (describing the flu). Differently, Study 2a revealed that perceived pandemic threat levels of Americans did not directly predict temporal discounting rates. Using similar threat priming, Study 2b further confirmed that Americans in the high-threat priming condition showed no significant differences in temporal discounting rates compared to those in the low-threat priming condition. The current research deepens the understanding of the cultural difference in the impact of pandemic threats on intertemporal decision-making and further informs the development of interventions that promote individual future-oriented thinking in the face of pandemics.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Americans Adolescent
Chinese Adult
Ecological China
Future Choice Behavior
Pandemic COVID-19
Decision Making
Delay Discounting
East Asian People
Intertemporal choice 
Negative emotion
Pandemic threat
United States
Young Adult


Type Source Name
disease MESH COVID 19
disease IDO history
disease MESH uncertainty
disease MESH psychological well being
disease MESH affective disorders
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease MESH emergencies
disease IDO process
drug DRUGBANK Proline
drug DRUGBANK Sodium lauryl sulfate
drug DRUGBANK Ranitidine
disease IDO country
disease MESH infection
disease MESH low socioeconomic status
disease MESH anxiety
disease MESH restlessness
disease MESH posttraumatic stress disorder
disease MESH depression
disease MESH suicide
disease MESH shock
disease MESH tics
drug DRUGBANK Diamorphine
drug DRUGBANK Cocaine
drug DRUGBANK Ethanol
disease MESH overeating
disease MESH eating disorder
disease MESH food addiction
disease MESH addictive behavior
disease MESH gambling
disease MESH impulsivity
disease MESH obsessive compulsive disorder
disease MESH major depressive disorder
disease MESH Death
pathway REACTOME Reproduction
disease IDO production
disease MESH emerging infectious diseases

Original Article

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