Loneliness and cannabis use among older adults: findings from a Canada national survey during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Publication date: Oct 28, 2024

Cannabis use has been increasing among older adults in Canada, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to examine the association between loneliness and cannabis use among older Canadians during the pandemic. Quantitative data analyses were performed based on 2,020 participants aged 55 years and older from the Canadian Perspectives Survey Series 6, 2021: Substance Use and Stigma During the Pandemic. This study found that participants who used cannabis in the 30 days before the survey reported significantly higher loneliness scores than those who never used cannabis after adjusting social-demographic, social interaction, and pandemic-related factors. Participants who kept using cannabis during the pandemic also reported significantly higher loneliness scores than those who never used cannabis. The findings about the correlation between cannabis use and greater loneliness contribute to the discourse on potential health and wellbeing harms of cannabis use among older adults.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Canadians Aged
Cannabis Aged, 80 and over
Demographic Canada
Loneliness Cannabis use
Healthy aging
Marijuana Use
Middle Aged
Surveys and Questionnaires


Type Source Name
disease MESH Loneliness
drug DRUGBANK Medical Cannabis
disease MESH COVID-19 pandemic
disease MESH Substance Use
pathway REACTOME Reproduction
disease MESH chronic illnesses
disease MESH post traumatic stress disorder
drug DRUGBANK Methionine
disease MESH mental illness
disease MESH infection
disease MESH depressive symptoms
disease MESH insomnia
disease MESH chronic pain
disease MESH anxiety
disease MESH Emergency
disease MESH respiratory diseases
disease MESH depressive disorders
disease MESH suicide
drug DRUGBANK Pentaerythritol tetranitrate
drug DRUGBANK Ethanol
disease MESH life style
drug DRUGBANK Cysteamine
disease MESH Marital status
disease IDO country
drug DRUGBANK Methylergometrine
disease MESH education level
disease MESH cannabis dependence
drug DRUGBANK Proline
disease MESH Marijuana use
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
drug DRUGBANK Trestolone
drug DRUGBANK Ferrous sulfate anhydrous
disease MESH Cancers
disease MESH Alcoholism
pathway KEGG Alcoholism
drug DRUGBANK Nonoxynol-9
disease MESH psychosis

Original Article

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