Improving antifungal lipid-based drug delivery against Candida: a review.

Publication date: Oct 29, 2024

Fungal infections, particularly those caused by Candida spp. have increased in recent years. A primary contributor to this surge was the COVID-19 pandemic, where many hospitalized patients had secondary fungal infections. Additionally, the emergence of resistant and multi-resistant fungal strains has become increasingly problematic due to the limited therapeutic options available in antifungal treatments. This review presents a comprehensive analysis of recent studies focused on the development and characterization of lipid-based nanosystems as an emerging and promising therapeutic alternative. These systems have been evaluated for their potential to deliver antifungal agents specifically targeting resistant Candida spp. strains, offering a controlled and sustained release of drugs. Lipid-based nanomaterials are promising tools for the controlled and sustained release of drugs, particularly in treating Candida spp. infections. Although substantial research has been dedicated to development of these nanomaterials, only a few have reached clinical application, such as liposomal amphotericin B, for example. Therefore, it is critical to push forward with advancements to bring these nanomedicines into clinical practice, where they can contribute meaningfully to mitigating the challenge of resistant and lethal fungal strains.

Concepts Keywords
Drugs antifungals
Expert Candida spp
Fungal controlled release
Nanomedicines infection
lipid system


Type Source Name
disease MESH Fungal infections
disease MESH COVID-19 pandemic
pathway REACTOME Release
disease MESH infections
drug DRUGBANK Amphotericin B
disease IDO infection

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