Publication date: Oct 28, 2024
Frailty is associated with increased hospitalization and mortality and may be exacerbated with physical inactivity. The COVID-19 pandemic has heterogeneously impacted peoples’ physical activity level, but the impact on the frail population is unclear. The objective of this study is to test the hypothesis that higher frailty levels were associated with worse changes in physical activity, ability to move around the home, and do housework during the pandemic. We included 23,303 Canadians (age: 69. 1 +/- 9. 5 years, 53% females) who participated in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging COVID-19 Questionnaire study. Frailty prior to the pandemic (follow-up 1: 2015-2018) was measured via 52-item frailty index and grouped into 0. 00-0. 05, 0. 05-0. 10, 0. 10-0. 20, and >0. 20 scores. Participants were asked whether they changed their levels of physical activity, ability to move at home, and ability to do housework during the pandemic. The average frailty level was 0. 09 +/- 0. 06. Compared with the lowest frailty group, participants with frailty levels >0. 20 reported worse physical activity (17% vs. 45%), worse ability to move at home (3% vs. 26%), and perform housework (3% vs. 27%). Covariate-adjusted logistic regression models demonstrated that higher frailty level was associated with a greater odds of reporting worse physical activity (reference: 0. 00-0. 05; odds ratio for frailty index >0. 20:4. 03, 95% confidence interval [3. 33, 4. 87]), worse ability to move in home (odds ratio = 11. 16, 95% confidence interval [8. 28, 15. 03]), and worse ability doing housework (odds ratio = 12. 58, 95% confidence interval [9. 24, 17. 13]). The adverse changes in physical activity levels and ability to move at home among frail older adults during the pandemic document the need for strategies to help vulnerable populations move more.
Concepts | Keywords |
5years | CLSA |
Canadian | coronavirus |
Hospitalization | health deficit |
Models | healthy aging |
Pandemic | physical inactivity |
Type | Source | Name |
disease | MESH | Frailty |
disease | MESH | physical inactivity |
disease | MESH | COVID-19 pandemic |