All Pandemics are Local: The Importance of a Culture-Centered Approach to Risk and Crisis Communication for Laboratory Research on Zoonotic Diseases.

Publication date: Nov 04, 2024

Continuing laboratory research into zoonotic diseases is necessary for public health preparedness. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has elevated existing concerns about the risks BSL-4 research facilities can pose to the surrounding community. This study places such concerns in the context of previous research regarding the construction of biosafety labs, as well as policy discussions related to other scientific controversies like gain of function research. Building on this prior knowledge as well as established theories in the field of communication, we propose using a Culture-Centered Approach paired with a Communication Complex approach to facilitate more meaningful and effective communication between researchers and community members, particularly those who tend to be marginalized in such conversations. The commentary concludes by outlining a risk assessment process using the CCA-Communication Complex Approach.

Concepts Keywords
Biosafety Animals
Conversations biohazard release
Covid Communication
Pandemic communication
Zoonotic Containment of Biohazards
emergency preparedness
Risk Assessment


Type Source Name
disease MESH Zoonotic Diseases
disease MESH COVID-19 pandemic
disease IDO process
pathway REACTOME Release
disease MESH emergency

Original Article

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