Suicidal ideation and thoughts of self-harm during the COVID-19 pandemic among Swedish employees: a cohort study on the role of job instability and job insecurity.

Publication date: Nov 04, 2024

Suicidal ideation may be a warning sign for suicide and previous work has indicated a higher prevalence of suicidal ideation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Job loss and job insecurity are potential risk factors for suicidal ideation, but their importance during the pandemic, and the role of organizational changes for suicidal ideation, is unclear. This study examined the association between various experiences associated with job loss and job insecurity during the pandemic and thoughts of suicide/self-harm in Sweden. The study sample was drawn from the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health (SLOSH). Auxiliary data collections in February 2021 and 2022 assessed exposure to job loss/unemployment, furlough, workplace downsizing, or increased job insecurity versus stable employment and thoughts of suicide or self-harm (PHQ-9) during the pandemic. The analyses were based on 1558 individuals (2 349 observations) participating in either or both waves and who had been working before the pandemic. Logistic regression models with cluster-robust standard errors were fitted, including sociodemographic factors and prior mental health problems to control for potential confounding. Measures of personality based on a brief version of the Big-Five personality inventory were also added. The results indicated an association between all experiences, except furlough, and thoughts of suicide/self-harm, when adjusting for sex, age, civil status, socioeconomic status and prior mental health (job loss odds ratio (OR) = 3. 70, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1. 79-7. 63, downsizing OR = 2. 41, CI 1. 24-4. 70, job insecurity OR = 2. 77, CI 1. 15-6. 67). The associations for job loss and insecurity were attenuated by adjustment for personality, although it remained statistically significant for downsizing. The results suggested a higher risk of suicidal ideation connected with loss of employment and survival of a downsizing, but not a forced reduction in working times/pay during the COVID-19 pandemic. The association for subjective job insecurity was less robust and may be partly explained by personality.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
February COVID-19
Socioeconomic Employment insecurity
Suicide Organizational change
Swedish Restructuring
Staff reduction


Type Source Name
disease MESH Suicidal ideation
disease MESH COVID-19 pandemic
disease IDO role
disease MESH suicide
disease MESH unemployment
pathway REACTOME Reproduction
drug DRUGBANK Etoperidone
disease MESH suicide attempt
disease MESH death
disease MESH anxiety
disease MESH depression
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease IDO intervention
drug DRUGBANK Trestolone
disease MESH retirement
disease MESH educational level
disease IDO symptom
disease MESH neuroticism
disease IDO country
disease MESH marital status
disease MESH infection
drug DRUGBANK Cysteamine
drug DRUGBANK Iron
disease IDO process
disease IDO history
disease MESH Mental Disorders
disease MESH anxiety disorders
disease MESH loneliness
disease MESH affective disorders
disease MESH major depressive disorder

Original Article

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