Young People’s Experiences of Death Anxiety and Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Publication date: Dec 01, 2024

Capacity for death awareness and death anxiety in young people has been previously documented but the impact of Covid-19 is not currently known. Therefore, the aim of this study of this study was to explore young people’s experiences and responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. Qualitative data was collected from young people via a two-stage process across the United Kingdom: Stage One consisted of an online questionnaire; Stage Two comprised online semi-structured interviews. Responses for Stage One of the study totalled 120 young people; 9 of these were interviewed for Stage Two of the study. Thematic analysis of data identified four themes relating to young people’s experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic: death anxiety; mental health; normalising death; and identified support needs. Young people experienced heightened death anxiety due to the pandemic but death also became normalized for them and their mental health was negatively affected.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Covid adolescence
Health Adolescent
Interviews Adult
Pandemic Anxiety
Young Attitude to Death
death anxiety
Mental Health
mental health
Qualitative Research
service development
Surveys and Questionnaires
United Kingdom
Young Adult


Type Source Name
disease MESH Death
disease MESH Anxiety
disease MESH Covid-19 Pandemic
disease IDO process

Original Article

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