Immunometabolic Effect of Nitric Oxide on Human Macrophages Challenged With the SARS-CoV2-Induced Cytokine Storm. A Fluxomic Approach.

Publication date: Nov 06, 2024

The cytokine storm associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection is one of the most distinctive pathological signatures in COVID-19 patients. Macrophages respond to this pro-inflammatory challenge by reprogramming their functional and metabolic phenotypes. Interestingly, human macrophages fail to express the inducible form of the NO synthase (NOS2) in response to pro-inflammatory activation and, therefore, NO is not synthesized by these cells. The contribution of exogenously added NO, via a chemical NO-donor, on the immunometabolic changes associated with the cytokine storm is investigated. By using metabolic, transcriptomic, and functional assays the effect of NO in human macrophages is evaluated and found specific responses. Moreover, through integrative fluxomic analysis, pathways modified by NO that contribute to the expression of a particular phenotype in human macrophages are identified, which includes a decrease in mitochondrial respiration and TCA with a slight increase in the glycolytic flux. A significant ROS increase and preserved cell viability are observed in the presence of NO, which may ease the inflammatory response and host defense. Also, NO reverses the cytokine storm-induced itaconate accumulation. These changes offer additional clues to understanding the potential crosstalk between NO and the COVID-19 cytokine storm-dependent signaling pathways.

Concepts Keywords
Host COVID‐19
Immunometabolic immunometabolism
Nos2 macrophage
Reprogramming nitric oxide
Storm ROS


Type Source Name
drug DRUGBANK Nitric Oxide
disease MESH Cytokine Storm
disease MESH SARS-CoV-2 infection
pathway REACTOME SARS-CoV-2 Infection
disease IDO cell
disease IDO host

Original Article

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