Publication date: Oct 18, 2024
After the control policies of the COVID-19 epidemic were lifted in China from December 5th, 2022, there was an increase in the demand for hemodialysis and continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) at our center, and patients experienced hypercoagulable blood states more frequently. This study aimed to investigate the effect of COVID-19 on extracorporeal coagulation during CRRT. All CRRT records were gathered from the Hemodialysis Center at our hospital from December 5th, 2022 to February 4th, 2023, and analyzed the incidence and risk factors associated with extracorporeal coagulation. COVID-19 substantially increased the likelihood of extracorporeal coagulation during CRRT. Venous pressure and transmembrane pressure were proportional to the severity of extracorporeal coagulation. Additionally, non-tunnel type conduit vascular access, and acute kidney injury had a positive correlation with the severity of coagulation. Blood tests demonstrated that COVID-19 altered 4 coagulation indices. Moreover, mitigation of coagulation can be achieved through increasing the dosage of low molecular weight heparin and administering regional citrate anticoagulation. Patients who fail anticoagulation may be switched to peritoneal dialysis. In conclusion, COVID-19 poses a heightened risk of extracorporeal coagulation during CRRT. This study underscores the importance of anticoagulant treatment in CRRT for infected patients with kidney failure and holds significant implications for clinical practice. In future, the epidemics of COVID-19 or any other pandemic, the metrics in this study can be referenced to determine coagulation risk, as well as relevant therapeutic practices may be considered.
Open Access PDF
Type | Source | Name |
disease | MESH | COVID-19 |
disease | IDO | blood |
disease | MESH | acute kidney injury |
disease | MESH | kidney failure |
disease | MESH | chronic kidney disease |
disease | MESH | hypercoagulability |
disease | MESH | critically ill |
disease | MESH | recurrent infections |
disease | IDO | nucleic acid |
drug | DRUGBANK | Coenzyme M |
disease | MESH | infection |
drug | DRUGBANK | Heparin |
disease | IDO | history |
disease | MESH | thrombosis |
disease | IDO | symptom |
disease | MESH | sore throat |
drug | DRUGBANK | Oxygen |
disease | MESH | pneumonia |
drug | DRUGBANK | Medical air |
disease | MESH | respiratory failure |
disease | MESH | shock |
disease | MESH | arteriovenous fistulas |
drug | DRUGBANK | Trestolone |
drug | DRUGBANK | Dextrose unspecified form |
drug | DRUGBANK | Chloride ion |
drug | DRUGBANK | Water |
drug | DRUGBANK | Magnesium |
drug | DRUGBANK | Potassium |
drug | DRUGBANK | Creatinine |
drug | DRUGBANK | Urea |
drug | DRUGBANK | Nitrogen |