Publication date: Nov 15, 2024
We are now in the fifth year of an ongoing pandemic, and Canada continues to experience significant surges of COVID-19 infections. In addition to the acute impacts of deaths and hospitalizations, there is growing awareness of an accumulation of organ damage and disability which is building a “health debt” that will affect Canadians for decades to come. Calls in 2023 for an inquiry into the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic went unheeded, despite relevant precedent. Canada urgently needs a comprehensive review of its successes and failures to chart a better response in the near- and long-term. While Canada fared better than many comparators in the early years of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is clearly still in a public health crisis. Infections are not only affecting Canadians’ daily lives but also eroding healthcare capacity. Post-COVID condition is having accumulating and profound individual, social, and economic consequences. An inquiry is needed to understand the current evidence underlying policy choices, identify a better course of action on various fronts, and build resilience. More must be done to reduce transmission, including a serious public education campaign to better inform Canadians about COVID and effective mitigations, especially the benefits of respirator masks. We need a national standard for indoor air quality to make indoor public spaces safer, particularly schools. Data collection must be more robust, especially to understand and mitigate the disproportionate impacts on under-served communities and high-risk populations. General confidence in public health must be rebuilt, with a focus on communication and transparency. In particular, the wide variation in provincial policies has sown mistrust: evidence-based policy should be consistent. Finally, Canada’s early success in vaccination has collapsed, and this development needs a careful post-mortem. A complete investigation of Canada’s response to the pandemic is not yet possible because that response is still ongoing and, while we have learned much, there remain areas of dispute and uncertainty. However, an inquiry is needed to conduct a rapid assessment of the current evidence and policies and provide recommendations on how to improve in 2025 and beyond as well as guidance for future pandemics.
Open Access PDF
Type | Source | Name |
disease | MESH | COVID-19 |
disease | MESH | infections |
drug | DRUGBANK | Tropicamide |
disease | MESH | Post-COVID condition |
drug | DRUGBANK | Medical air |
disease | IDO | quality |
drug | DRUGBANK | Spinosad |
disease | MESH | uncertainty |
pathway | REACTOME | Reproduction |
drug | DRUGBANK | Coenzyme M |
disease | MESH | hepatitis |
disease | IDO | blood |
drug | DRUGBANK | Ciclosporin |
disease | MESH | emergency |
disease | MESH | death |
drug | DRUGBANK | Pentaerythritol tetranitrate |
disease | IDO | infection |
drug | DRUGBANK | Factor IX Complex (Human) |
drug | DRUGBANK | Trestolone |
disease | MESH | sequelae |
disease | MESH | community spread |
drug | DRUGBANK | Ritonavir |
disease | MESH | heart attacks |
disease | MESH | strokes |
disease | MESH | influenza |
disease | MESH | burnout |
drug | DRUGBANK | Methylergometrine |
drug | DRUGBANK | Water |
disease | IDO | site |
drug | DRUGBANK | Ademetionine |
drug | DRUGBANK | Methyl isocyanate |
disease | MESH | developmental disabilities |