Consequences beyond acute SARS-CoV-2 infection in children.

Publication date: Nov 13, 2024

Although most children are spared from developing complications from SARS-CoV-2 infection, some may suffer consequences including Long Covid and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). Although the occurrence of these conditions has decreased over time, they can still occur, and recognition of symptoms and prompt diagnosis is imperative for early intervention.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Children Child
Clinical COVID-19
Covid Humans
Inflammatory Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome
Sci SARS-CoV-2


Type Source Name
disease MESH SARS-CoV-2 infection
pathway REACTOME SARS-CoV-2 Infection
disease MESH complications
disease MESH Long Covid
disease MESH multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
disease IDO intervention
disease MESH infection
disease MESH syndrome
disease MESH severe acute respiratory syndrome
disease MESH myalgic encephalomyelitis
disease MESH dysautonomia
disease MESH postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
disease IDO symptom
disease MESH critical illness
disease MESH anosmia
disease MESH dysgeusia
disease MESH chest pain
disease MESH sleepiness
disease MESH carditis
disease MESH autoimmunity
disease MESH inflammation
disease MESH asthma
pathway KEGG Asthma
disease IDO history
disease MESH allergies
disease MESH obesity
disease IDO acute infection
disease MESH respiratory diseases
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease MESH shock
drug DRUGBANK Immune Globulin Human
disease MESH infectious disease
pathway REACTOME Infectious disease
disease MESH aneurysms
disease IDO host
drug DRUGBANK Silver
drug DRUGBANK Naproxen
disease MESH angst
disease MESH Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

Original Article

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