Impact of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 [COVID-19] Pandemic on Post-Acute Care of Patients with Heart Failure and the Effectiveness of Vaccine Prevention.

Publication date: Oct 31, 2024

The Heart Failure Post-Acute Care [HF-PAC] program is a specialized healthcare program aimed at providing comprehensive care and support for patients with heart failure [HF] as they transition from acute hospital settings to home. But the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 [COVID-19] pandemic on the HF-PAC program remains unknown. Furthermore, the effects of the comprehensive COVID-19 vaccination program on these patients with HF-PAC warrants further investigation. A total of 265 patients with acute decompensated HF were admitted to the hospital between May 2020 and October 2022. Of these, 159 patients underwent planned HF-PAC follow-up for 6 months, followed by scheduled follow-up visits every 3 months and unscheduled telephone randomized visits for at least another 6 months. The program completion rate was nearly 92%. COVID-19 significantly impacted patients with HF-PAC, leading to an increased mortality [13. 3%] compared to before the pandemic [6. 5%]. In our patient cohort, 83% had received at least 1 dose of vaccine and 61% had received > 3 doses. Of these patients with HF-PAC, 34% contracted COVID-19 infection post discharge, and 8. 8% died owing to the infection. Of the mortality group, 42. 9% patients were not vaccinated, and 28. 6% received 1 vaccine dose, and their vaccination rate was lower than in the survival group [p = 0. 01]. The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on patients enrolled in the HF-PAC program; receiving more than 3 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine was associated with a significant reduction in mortality rates among these patients.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Basel COVID-19
Coronavirus heart failure
Healthcare post-acute care
October vaccine


Type Source Name
disease MESH Coronavirus Disease 2019
disease MESH Heart Failure
disease MESH infection
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease MESH cardiovascular diseases
disease MESH hypertension
disease MESH chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
disease MESH complications
disease MESH pneumonia
disease MESH myocarditis
disease MESH cytokine storm
disease IDO country
disease MESH morbidity
drug DRUGBANK Methionine
disease IDO blood
disease MESH diabetes mellitus
disease MESH obesity
disease MESH Overweight
disease MESH Hyperlipidemia
disease MESH Arrhythmia
disease MESH Chronic kidney disease
drug DRUGBANK Ivabradine
disease MESH bradycardia
drug DRUGBANK Angiotensin II
drug DRUGBANK Creatinine
disease MESH anemia
disease MESH lactic acidosis
disease MESH hypocalcemia
drug DRUGBANK Prothrombin
drug DRUGBANK Urea
drug DRUGBANK Nitrogen
drug DRUGBANK Potassium
drug DRUGBANK Chloride ion
drug DRUGBANK Calcium
drug DRUGBANK Magnesium
drug DRUGBANK Phosphorus
drug DRUGBANK Cholesterol
drug DRUGBANK Albendazole
disease MESH Dyspnea
disease MESH upper respiratory tract infection
disease MESH death

Original Article

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