Considerations for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination Among B-Cell-Depleted Patients.

Publication date: Feb 01, 2025

This article provides a comprehensive review of the impact of B-cell-directed therapy on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccine immunity, focusing on its implications in autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases (AIIRD). Rituximab (RTX) is the primary B-cell-depleting drug that has been studied in AIIRD and is the focus of this review. We review the pivotal role of B cells in vaccine response and propose strategies to manage and predict vaccine responses in B-cell-depleted individuals. We highlight the need to strategize patients into distinct groups when predicting vaccine responses and developing guidelines to ensure optimal outcomes for RTX-treated patients.

Concepts Keywords
Coronavirus Antibodies
Depleting Antirheumatic Agents
North Antirheumatic Agents
Therapy Autoimmune Diseases
Vaccination B-cell depletion
COVID-19 vaccination
COVID-19 Vaccines
COVID-19 Vaccines
Rheumatic Diseases
Rheumatic diseases


Type Source Name
disease MESH Coronavirus Disease 2019
disease IDO cell
disease MESH rheumatic diseases
drug DRUGBANK Rituximab
drug DRUGBANK Resiniferatoxin
disease IDO role
disease MESH Autoimmune Diseases

Original Article

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