Disparities in Vaccination Amongst Socially Vulnerable Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Publication date: Nov 15, 2024

Social determinants of health (SDOH) have a known impact on disparities in vaccination. Despite an increased risk for infection in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), SDOH and vaccination in this population have not been studied. Using census tract-level data from the Centers for Disease Control’s social vulnerability index (SVI), we aimed to understand the relationship between SDOH and adherence to guideline-recommended vaccinations in patients with IBD. A single-center retrospective cohort of patients with IBD was used to geocode patient addresses to their individual census tract and corresponding SVI and subthemes (Socioeconomic Status, Household Composition, Minority Status, and Housing/Transportation). We used separate multivariable logistic regressions to examine the relationship between SVI and vaccination against influenza, COVID-19, pneumococcal pneumonia, and herpes zoster. A total of 7,036 patients were included. Rates of vaccination varied across vaccine-types: influenza (57%), COVID-19 (65%), pneumococcal pneumonia (58%), and herpes zoster (11%). High social vulnerability was associated with lower odds of vaccination against influenza (OR 0. 47, p 

Concepts Keywords
Geocode Crohn’s disease
Inflammatory Health equity
Pneumonia Preventive care
Vaccinations Ulcerative colitis


Type Source Name
disease MESH Inflammatory Bowel Disease
pathway KEGG Inflammatory bowel disease
disease MESH infection
disease MESH social vulnerability
disease MESH influenza
disease MESH COVID-19
disease MESH pneumococcal pneumonia
disease MESH herpes zoster
disease MESH Crohn’s disease
disease MESH Ulcerative colitis

Original Article

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