Publication date: Dec 01, 2024
Medical wastes is about 1-2 % of urban wastes, which is very important in terms of health. The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic on the quantity, quality and management of hospital waste data (infectious, general, sharp objects, and chemical wastes) in the two periods before and during the COVID-19 epidemic in Babol hospitals. In this regard, all 6 government hospitals were selected and investigated. Data were collected by the researcher using the standard checklist of the environmental and labor health center of the ministry of health. finally, the obtained data were analyzed using excel. The total solid wastes produced by the studied hospitals before COVID-19 pandemic was 3019. 9 kg/day, of which 51. 7 % was general wastes, 43. 25 % was infectious wastes, 3. 11 % was chemical wastes, and 1. 93 % was sharp pointed wastes. The total solid wastes produced in 2021 was 3053. 2 kg/day, of which 35 % was general wastes, 59. 31 % was infectious waste, 3. 35 % was dangerous chemical medical waste and 2. 3 % was sharp pointed waste. Given the large amount and the danger of infectious wastes in the hospital, careful and continuous monitoring of the management of such waste will be necessary to ensure, maintain and increase the level of health of the personnel, patients and all those referring to hospitals. •This study investigates the impact of the outbreak of COVID-19 on quantity, quality and also it shows the types of medical wastes (infectious, normal, sharp and chemical) in three consecutive years before and after the corona epidemic. •The impact of the spread of COVID-19 on the management of all types of medical wastes has been investigated in this study. •The results of this study can be used to improve the management of wastes production practices in hospitals, medical clinics and other similar centers.
Open Access PDF
Concepts | Keywords |
2kg | Babol |
Environmental | COVID-19 |
Hospitals | Hospital |
Pandemic | Medical waste |
Type | Source | Name |
disease | MESH | COVID-19 pandemic |
disease | IDO | quality |
disease | MESH | level of health |
disease | IDO | production |
drug | DRUGBANK | Coenzyme M |
disease | MESH | Infectious Diseases |
disease | MESH | severe acute respiratory syndrome |
disease | MESH | AIDS |
disease | MESH | hepatitis |
disease | MESH | cancer |
drug | DRUGBANK | Water |
drug | DRUGBANK | Medical air |
disease | IDO | site |
disease | MESH | essential hypertension |
drug | DRUGBANK | Ribostamycin |
disease | MESH | infection |
drug | DRUGBANK | Malachite Green |
drug | DRUGBANK | L-Aspartic Acid |