Revealr-Based Diagnostic Panel for Rapid Detection of Acute Respiratory Infections.

Publication date: Dec 04, 2024

RNA-encoded viral nucleic acid analyte reporter (REVEALR) is a rapid and highly sensitive point-of-care diagnostic developed for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) detection, genotyping, and quantification. Here, we extend the breadth of this nucleic acid technology to include a viral respiratory panel that can detect low attomolar levels of influenza A (IAV), influenza B (IBV), SARS-CoV-2 (CoV2), and the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Of 39 clinical samples collected at the UCI Medical Center in Orange, California, the extended REVEALR panel showed a positive predictive agreement and negative predictive agreement of 100% for IAV, CoV2, and RSV in sequence-verified clinical samples, with 0 false positive results. Additionally, REVEALR was able to detect a synthetic IBV genome and precisely identify the viruses from clinical samples that were combined to simulate a patient infected with more than one virus. Together, these results demonstrate that the REVEALR respiratory panel provides a valuable diagnostic for identifying the pathogens responsible for causing lower respiratory infections that pose serious healthcare challenges in the United States.

Concepts Keywords
Coronavirus DNAzyme
Genotyping influenza A &B
Healthcare multicomponent DNAzyme
Uci respiratory syncytial virus
Valuable respiratory viruses
RNA diagnostics
viral detection


Type Source Name
disease MESH Respiratory Infections
disease IDO nucleic acid
pathway KEGG Influenza A
disease MESH influenza
disease MESH infection

Original Article

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