Motivational and behavioral mechanisms underlying generalized health risking behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic in smokers.

Publication date: Dec 05, 2024

Under the threat of public health challenges such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic, individual citizens’ active and cooperative participation in precautionary measures is crucial. Although non-compliance is recognized as a recurring problem, it remains unknown why some individuals tend to comply less than others and whether violations of preventive behaviors are observed consistently across different public health issues. To test our hypothesis that individuals would show consistent public health behavior transcending domains, we collected self-reports from two independent samples of participants (total Nā€‰=ā€‰2983) on health risk beliefs and behavioral choices. Participants’ responses were collected in regard to two separate yet closely related public health issues: smoking and the COVID-19 pandemic. Our data reveal that on average, individuals’ beliefs and behaviors are consistent across different public health domains. In particular, smokers showed diminished compliance behaviors during the pandemic, which was mediated by their lower motives to protect public health. These results provide a psychological mechanism of how individuals’ health risk behaviors are generalized across different public health domains that may explain why some individuals (here, current-smokers) are more prone to violate public health behaviors.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Citizens Adult
Covid Aged
Pandemic COVID-19
Smoking COVID-19
Health Behavior
Health Risk Behaviors
Health risking behaviors
Middle Aged
Public Health
Public health
Young Adult


Type Source Name
disease MESH COVID-19 pandemic
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease IDO symptom
disease MESH death
disease MESH infection
disease MESH uncertainty
drug DRUGBANK Proline
disease MESH infectious disease
pathway REACTOME Infectious disease
disease MESH coronavirus infection
disease IDO intervention
disease MESH depressive symptoms
disease IDO process
disease IDO history
disease IDO contact tracing
disease MESH education level
disease IDO susceptibility
disease MESH panic
drug DRUGBANK Nicotine
drug DRUGBANK Gold
drug DRUGBANK Ethanol
disease MESH interstitial lung diseases
disease MESH Impulsivity
disease MESH relapse
disease IDO country
disease MESH anxiety
disease MESH Drug Abuse
pathway REACTOME Reproduction

Original Article

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