Early adoption of telehealth/remote patient monitoring and hospital revenue changes during COVID-19.

Publication date: Dec 05, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically affected the financial performance of hospitals across the U. S. The prompt availability of telehealth options likely impacted both a hospital’s healthcare options and opportunities for revenue in the short-term. The aim of this study was to explore the association between early adoption of telehealth and changes in revenue during the early phase of the pandemic, and to compare whether the results differed between rural and urban hospitals. We performed first-difference regressions on a cross-sectional dataset of 1,742 U. S. hospitals. Our dependent variables were percent changes in four categories of revenue between 2019 and 2020: inpatient, outpatient, gross, and net. The adoption of telehealth and remote patient monitoring as of 2019 served as the primary independent variables of interest. We controlled for changes in hospital characteristics from 2019 to 2020, including case mix index and number of employees. Our results suggest that telehealth adoption prior to the COVID-19 pandemic was associated with significant increases in all four revenue categories from 2019 to 2020, ranging from 1. 79% (net patient revenue) to 2. 92% (outpatient revenue). However, RPM implementation in 2019 was associated with significant declines in gross patient (0. 08%) and outpatient revenue (1. 50%). The results were largely similar across rural and urban locations. Adopting telehealth before the onset of COVID-19 helped hospitals increase revenue during the initial phase of the pandemic. Alternatively, implementation of remote patient monitoring was associated with revenue declines, likely due to limited ability for monetization. Whether these relationships have persisted needs further investigation.

Concepts Keywords
Covid COVID-19
Outpatient hospital finances
Pandemic hospital revenue
Primary remote patient monitoring


Type Source Name
disease MESH COVID-19

Original Article

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