‘We tried our best… it wasn’t great’: a qualitative study of clinician experiences on child psychiatry wards at the height of COVID-19.

Publication date: Dec 06, 2024

Changing public health and hospital protocols during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic shaped the provision of inpatient mental health care. While a growing body of research explores the challenges of restrictions on adult psychiatric wards, the impact on clinical teams and epidemiological trends in youth mental health, no research has explored inpatient psychiatric hospital services for child and adolescent psychiatry during the pandemic. This study seeks to understand how clinicians in Canada working in child and adolescent mental health wards experienced caring for their patients while navigating pandemic hospital restrictions. Following a qualitative descriptive methodology and also drawing on institutional ethnography we generated data using two methods: 1) an online survey of clinicians across the country asking about experiences providing care and COVID restrictions and 2) in-depth, semi-structured interviews with clinicians. Data from 54 surveys and 14 interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis yielding two major themes. First, clinicians felt that clinical care was compromised with likely impact on patient outcomes. Second, respondents reported that the context of the pandemic provoked tensions and resistance within the clinical teams and the institution. Our findings have important implications not only for future public health crises, but also for rethinking how psychiatric care is provided and prioritized. This study points to the need for 1) mechanisms which support collaborative decision making at the institutional level, to ensure regulations are more flexible and can adapt to the needs of child mental health patients; and 2) that child psychiatry prioritize generating spaces of ethical reflection for clinical teams and institutional decision-makers so that paternalism does not trump principles of primum non-nocere (first, do no harm), autonomy and reciprocity.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Canada Adolescent
Covid Adolescent
Interviews Adolescent Psychiatry
Psychiatry Adult
Trump Canada
Child Psychiatry
Psychiatric Department, Hospital
Qualitative Research


Type Source Name
disease MESH COVID-19
disease IDO country
pathway REACTOME Reproduction
disease MESH infection
drug DRUGBANK Etoperidone
drug DRUGBANK Methionine
disease MESH anxiety
disease MESH depression
disease MESH burnout
drug DRUGBANK Pentaerythritol tetranitrate
drug DRUGBANK Ethionamide
disease MESH violence
drug DRUGBANK Serine
drug DRUGBANK Trestolone
disease IDO process
disease MESH facial expressions
disease MESH psychosis
disease MESH delusions
drug DRUGBANK Methylergometrine
disease MESH moral injury
disease MESH confusion
pathway REACTOME Release
disease MESH emergency
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease MESH uncertainty
drug DRUGBANK Adenosine
drug DRUGBANK Isoxaflutole
disease IDO symptom
disease MESH anorexia nervosa
disease MESH eating disorder
disease MESH mental disorders
drug DRUGBANK L-Aspartic Acid
disease MESH suicidal ideation
disease MESH hospital infection
disease MESH compassion fatigue

Original Article

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