Regulation of human interferon signaling by transposon exonization.

Publication date: Dec 10, 2024

Innate immune signaling is essential for clearing pathogens and damaged cells and must be tightly regulated to avoid excessive inflammation or autoimmunity. Here, we found that the alternative splicing of exons derived from transposable elements is a key mechanism controlling immune signaling in human cells. By analyzing long-read transcriptome datasets, we identified numerous transposon exonization events predicted to generate functional protein variants of immune genes, including the type I interferon receptor IFNAR2. We demonstrated that the transposon-derived isoform of IFNAR2 is more highly expressed than the canonical isoform in almost all tissues and functions as a decoy receptor that potently inhibits interferon signaling, including in cells infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Our findings uncover a primate-specific axis controlling interferon signaling and show how a transposon exonization event can be co-opted for immune regulation.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Autoimmunity alternative splicing
Coronavirus innate immunity
Predicted transposable elements
Primate type I IFN


Type Source Name
pathway REACTOME Interferon Signaling
disease MESH inflammation
disease MESH autoimmunity
disease IDO protein
disease IDO cell
pathway REACTOME Developmental Biology
disease MESH Infectious Diseases
disease MESH infection
disease MESH cancer
disease IDO process
drug DRUGBANK Natural alpha interferon
disease MESH severe acute respiratory syndrome
drug DRUGBANK Topiramate
drug DRUGBANK Ademetionine
disease MESH acute myeloid leukemia
pathway KEGG Acute myeloid leukemia
disease MESH Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
disease MESH leukemia
disease MESH lymphoma
disease IDO algorithm
disease IDO site
drug DRUGBANK Hyaluronic acid
drug DRUGBANK Ilex paraguariensis leaf
disease MESH carcinoma
pathway REACTOME Translation
pathway REACTOME Apoptosis
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
drug DRUGBANK Gentian violet cation

Original Article

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