Publication date: Dec 11, 2024
This is a longitudinal observational study recruiting individuals that have attended three clinical sites with symptoms associated with a diagnosis of long COVID, PTLDS or ME/CFS. The study will be a multi-centre study, with up to 160 male and female participants enrolled. Participants that experience symptoms considered to be associated with a diagnosis of long COVID, PTLDS or ME/CFS will consent to the study, and attend for two study visits (at study entry and 6 months) to complete a questionnaire related to their symptoms, and to have a blood sample taken. Blood samples will be taken either at the clinical site or at the participant’s home if they are unable to attend due to the severity of their illness. . Participants will be allocated to one of the following groups: Group 1: Long COVID Group 2: ME/CFS Group 3: PTLDS Group 4: Healthy Control
Concepts | Keywords |
Chemotherapy | Cfs |
Enrolment | Chronic |
Fluorospot | Clinical |
Infection4 | Covid |
Months | Diagnosis |
Evaluate | |
Fatigue | |
Group | |
Inflammatory | |
Long | |
Participants | |
Ptlds | |
Questionnaire | |
Study | |
Symptoms |
Type | Source | Name |
disease | IDO | role |
disease | IDO | cell |
disease | MESH | LONG COVID |
disease | MESH | LYME DISEASE |
disease | IDO | assay |
disease | IDO | blood |
disease | IDO | site |
disease | IDO | history |
disease | MESH | COVID-19 |
disease | MESH | infection |
disease | MESH | shortness of breath |
disease | MESH | joint pain |
drug | DRUGBANK | Ibuprofen |
drug | DRUGBANK | Diclofenac |
drug | DRUGBANK | Acetylsalicylic acid |
disease | MESH | cognitive impairment |
disease | MESH | inflammatory bowel disease |
pathway | KEGG | Inflammatory bowel disease |
disease | MESH | COPD |