From Viral Infection to Skin Affliction: Unveiling Mechanisms of Cutaneous Manifestations in COVID-19 and Post-COVID Conditions.

Publication date: Dec 10, 2024

COVID-19 skin manifestations are multifaceted, ranging from urticaria, morbilliform or papulovesicular rash, livedoid purpuric lesions, and to pseudochilblains (also called COVID toes). Recent insights into the mechanism of these manifestations have highlighted that morbilliform, papulovesicular, and livedoid/purpuric rashes are related to virus-induced endothelial cell damage and linked to moderate-to-severe disease, whereas pseudochilblains are related to an exaggerated IFN-1 production by plasmacytoid dendritic cells in protected individuals. In this paper, we will review the clinical and physiopathological features of cutaneous COVID-19 manifestations in relation to the direct viral cytopathic effects and dysregulated IFN-1 responses. We will also review the emerging insights into post-COVID conditions (also termed long COVID) and how they may be implicated in the persistence of COVID-19-associated skin diseases.

Concepts Keywords
Covid Acute COVID-19
Dermatol Dermatology
Plasmacytoid Immunology
Unveiling Long COVID
Virus SARS-CoV-2


Type Source Name
disease MESH Viral Infection
disease MESH COVID-19
disease MESH Post-COVID Conditions
disease MESH urticaria
disease IDO cell
disease IDO production
disease MESH viral cytopathic effects
disease MESH skin diseases

Original Article

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