The Role of Social Support in Enhancing Life Satisfaction Among Syrian Refugees in Türkiye During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Publication date: Dec 12, 2024

This study investigates the role of perceived social support from family and friends in enhancing life satisfaction among Syrian refugees in TcFCrkiye during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 636 Syrian refugees residing in Istanbul and Hatay provinces. The study used the Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale, the COVID-19 State Anxiety Sources Scale, and the Satisfaction With Life Scale. Structural equation modeling was applied to analyze the relationships between social support, COVID-19-related anxieties, and life satisfaction. Both family and friend social support were positively associated with life satisfaction. Friend social support was negatively associated with COVID-19-related economic anxiety, daily routine change anxiety, and isolation anxiety. These anxieties mediated the relationship between friend social support and life satisfaction. The results suggest that strengthening social support from families and friends can mitigate the adverse effects of economic and routine-related anxieties among refugees, with friend support playing a more crucial role. Social support is vital for enhancing life satisfaction among Syrian refugees in TcFCrkiye during public health crises. Policy interventions should aim to reinforce these systems to build resilient refugee communities.

Concepts Keywords
Covid COVID-19 anxiety
Daily life satisfaction
Pandemic Perceived social support
Refugees Syrian refugees
Resilient Türkiye


Type Source Name
disease IDO role
disease MESH COVID-19 Pandemic
disease MESH Anxiety

Original Article

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