Publication date: Feb 01, 2025
This study aimed to examine the relationships between the variables of pandemic awareness, death anxiety, and spiritual well-being and reveal whether the participants’ perceptions of pandemic awareness, death anxiety, and spiritual well-being differed according to various sociodemographic characteristics. The study population is comprised of individuals aged 65 years and over in Edirne, Turkey. The data obtained from 449 people in the study were analyzed using various statistical methods. According to the results of the regression analysis performed in the study, the increase in the participants’ pandemic awareness was found to reduce their death anxiety and increase their spiritual well-being statistically. Moreover, the increase in the participants’ death anxiety statistically reduced their spiritual well-being.
Open Access PDF
Type | Source | Name |
disease | MESH | Death |
disease | MESH | Anxiety |
disease | MESH | COVID-19 |