[Psychological consequences of matrescence: more than risk factors and postpartum depression in mothers with and without experience].

[Psychological consequences of matrescence: more than risk factors and postpartum depression in mothers with and without experience].

Publication date: Dec 17, 2024

The modification of the female brain during matrescence has focused on neurobiological research, but it remains open to the analysis of psychological consequences that transcend postpartum depression or anxiety. Our objectives have consisted of: 1. Investigate whether all mothers also perceive emotional instability, loss of memory and identity, and if this depends on external factors. 2. Analyze if there are differences between the first motherhood and the following ones. 3. Check if the Covid19 pandemic caused greater psychological discomfort. Surveys with assessment of risk factors and psychological distress among women (n=129) from the Health Area of Albacete (Spain), grouped into: Mothers before the pandemic. First-time mothers in a pandemic. Experienced mothers who became mothers again during the pandemic. New mothers after the pandemic. And experienced mothers who became mothers again after the pandemic. Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn’s post hoc test and coefficient of determination R2. The 5 groups have shown psychological affectation. Those of first-time mothers are significantly different from those of experienced mothers (H=33. 25, p

Concepts Keywords
Covid19 COVID-19 pandemic
Motherhood Emotional instability
Pandemic Inestabilidad emocional
Postpartum Loss of identity
Spain Memory loss
Pandemia por COVID-19


Type Source Name
disease MESH postpartum depression
disease MESH anxiety
disease MESH Covid19
disease MESH psychological distress
disease MESH Memory loss

Original Article

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