A Review on Long COVID Screening: Challenges and Perspectives Focusing on Exhaled Breath Gas Sensing.

A Review on Long COVID Screening: Challenges and Perspectives Focusing on Exhaled Breath Gas Sensing.

Publication date: Dec 16, 2024

Long COVID (LC) is a great global health concern, affecting individuals recovering from SARS-CoV-2 infection. The persistent and varied symptoms across multiple organs complicate diagnosis and management, and an incomplete understanding of the condition hinders advancements in therapeutics. Current diagnostic methods face challenges related to standardization and completeness. To overcome this, new technologies such as sensor-based electronic noses are being explored for LC assessment, offering a noninvasive screening approach via volatile organic compounds (VOC) sensing in exhaled breath. Although specific LC-associated VOCs have not been fully characterized, insights from COVID-19 research suggest their potential as biomarkers. Additionally, AI-driven chemometrics are promising in identifying and predicting outcomes; despite challenges, AI-driven technologies hold the potential to enhance LC evaluation, providing rapid and accurate diagnostics for improved patient care and outcomes. This review underscores the importance of emerging and sensing technologies and comprehensive diagnostic strategies to address screening and treatment challenges in the face of LC.

Concepts Keywords
Biomarkers AI-driven-chemometrics
Covid diagnosis
Global electronic nose
Infection exhaled breath
Therapeutics long COVID


Type Source Name
pathway REACTOME SARS-CoV-2 Infection
disease MESH SARS-CoV-2 infection
disease MESH Long COVID

Original Article

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