Custom Ocular Prosthesis With Intraoral Obturator for Orbital and Intraoral Defects Resulting From Mucormycosis: A Technical Case Report.

Custom Ocular Prosthesis With Intraoral Obturator for Orbital and Intraoral Defects Resulting From Mucormycosis: A Technical Case Report.

Publication date: Nov 01, 2024

Orbital defects can result from a myriad of underlying diseases and injuries. Treatment of malignant neoplasms and maxillofacial trauma are common reasons for orbital exenteration. Recently, a growing number of cases of orbital defects have been reported due to mucormycosis in patients with COVID-19. In this report, we describe a technique to achieve ideal iris orientation in the fabrication of a silicone orbital prosthesis using custom-made eyeglasses as a jig. This method allows for easy orientation and reorientation, enabling precise iris alignment and enhancing the aesthetic outcome.

Concepts Keywords
Easy custom made jigs
Iris eye prosthesis
Malignant iris orientation
Mucormycosis maxillofacial prosthesis
Orbital mucormycosis
two-piece prosthesis


Type Source Name
disease MESH Defects
disease MESH Mucormycosis
disease MESH malignant neoplasms
disease MESH COVID-19

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