Impact of COVID-19 on nurse outcomes in the private sector of South Africa: a cross-sectional study.

Impact of COVID-19 on nurse outcomes in the private sector of South Africa: a cross-sectional study.

Publication date: Dec 18, 2024

This study explored and described the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nurse outcomes in the private sector of South Africa. National research shows that nurses had poor nurse outcomes prior to the pandemic, amidst these issues the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, with nurses having to play a key role in the public health response. International studies have shown that although nurses were willing to serve in this manner, they experienced moderate to high burnout, anxiety, depression, fear and exhaustion. However, this topic has received comparatively little attention in African countries. A cross-sectional survey design was conducted. Multistage sampling was applied in selection of provinces, hospital groups, hospitals, units, and nursing personnel. Valid and reliable tools were used to measure nurse outcomes. Data was collected from April 2021 until January 2022. Nurses described having high levels of compassion satisfaction, moderate levels of compassion fatigue, and high levels of burnout. Nurses appeared satisfied with their job and career. Almost a quarter of nurses reported the intention to leave their job, and of those about a fifth indicated that they intended to leave the profession. The nurses who routinely cared for COVID-19 patients had a small statistically significant increase in compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction, emotional exhaustion and, job turnover intention, and a small statistically significant decrease in job satisfaction. Increased exposure to death and dying showed small correlations with emotional exhaustion and career turnover intentions. The results of this study show that nurses were impacted by COVID-19 and death and dying during the pandemic, and that follow-up studies are needed post-pandemic. It is important that burnout and compassion fatigue be addressed on an organizational level, as nurse outcomes were already negative prior to the pandemic, and all global evidence points to the worsening of these outcomes post-pandemic. There were many psychological support interventions with proven effectiveness that should be explored and applied for the South African context.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Africa Burnout
Covid Compassion fatigue
Nurses Compassion satisfaction
Pandemic COVID-19
Turnover intentions


Type Source Name
disease MESH COVID-19
disease IDO role
disease MESH burnout
disease MESH anxiety
disease MESH depression
disease MESH compassion fatigue
disease MESH emotional exhaustion
disease MESH death
pathway REACTOME Reproduction
disease MESH emergency
disease IDO country
disease IDO production
disease MESH uncertainty
disease MESH panic
disease MESH obsessive behaviors
disease MESH gender based violence
disease MESH infection
drug DRUGBANK Methylergometrine
disease MESH chronic diseases
drug DRUGBANK Trestolone
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
drug DRUGBANK Ademetionine
drug DRUGBANK Etoperidone
disease IDO site
disease MESH depersonalization
drug DRUGBANK Isoxaflutole
drug DRUGBANK Esomeprazole
disease MESH impotence
disease IDO symptom
disease MESH emotional distress
disease MESH post traumatic stress disorder
disease MESH causality
disease IDO intervention
disease MESH Metabolic Syndrome
drug DRUGBANK Nonoxynol-9
disease MESH Occupational stress
disease MESH AIDS
disease MESH perinatal deaths
disease MESH long COVID
disease MESH insomnia
disease IDO facility
drug DRUGBANK Silver
drug DRUGBANK Carboxyamidotriazole

Original Article

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