Publication date: Dec 18, 2024
Assessing functional capacity in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 may have been neglected due to a great demand for resources at the height of pandemic and the lack of specific assessment instruments for this population. To identify the instruments used to evaluate functional capacity in COVID-19 patients hospitalized in COVID-19 wards and ICUs and the associations between use of assessment instruments and physiotherapist characteristics METHODS: The survey was conducted using REDCap web-based application, following the Consensus-Based Checklist for Reporting of Survey Studies guidelines. A non-probability recruitment approach aimed at physiotherapists who had treated hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Brazil. The instruments were classified into four domains: muscle strength, mobility, activities of daily living, and physical performance, as for the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health RESULTS: Overall, 485 physiotherapists responded to the survey, 81. 9% of whom used one or more instruments to assess functional capacity. The Medical Research Council (59. 6%) and the Six-Minute Walk Test (21. 7%) were the most commonly used instruments in COVID-19 wards; the MRC (63. 9%) and the Intensive Care Mobility Scale (33. 1%), in ICUs. In COVID-19 wards, higher probability of using assessment instruments was associated with being male, having training on COVID-19 management, and working > 50 h/week. In ICUs, having training on COVID-19 management and working in university hospitals were associated with higher probability of using these instruments CONCLUSIONS: Most physiotherapists used one or more instruments to assess functional capacity, assessed more than one physical domain, and used the obtained results to plan interventions.
Concepts | Keywords |
Brazil | COVID-19 |
Daily | Functional status |
Hospitals | Hospitalization |
Pandemic | Physical therapy |
Type | Source | Name |
disease | MESH | COVID-19 |
disease | MESH | Long Covid |
disease | MESH | Functional status |