Antibiotic-resistant bacteria aerosol in a Caribbean coastal city: Pre- and post- COVID-19 lockdown.

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria aerosol in a Caribbean coastal city: Pre- and post- COVID-19 lockdown.

Publication date: Dec 24, 2024

This study assessed the prevalence and spatial distribution of viable ultrafine and fine antibiotic-resistant bacteria aerosols (ARB) in the Metropolitan Area of Barranquilla, Colombia, pre- and post-lockdown (September 2019 to December 2020). Samples were systematically collected from urban, suburban, and rural sites using a six-stage viable cascade impactor. We employed logistic regression and Bayesian Neural Network Classifiers to analyze meteorological variables’ influence on antibiotic resistance persistence. The lockdown led to a significant decrease (76 %) in overall bacterial aerosol concentrations, likely due to reduced human activity. The most significant reduction (82 %) was observed at Peace Square. Bacillus cereus was the most prevalent species, showing high concentrations at all sampling sites. Other species, like Leifsonia aquatica and Staphylococcus lentus, were linked to wastewater effluents and agricultural activities. Despite the overall decrease in bacterial aerosols, antibiotic-resistant bacteria remained high, particularly in highly impacted urban areas like the Barranquilla Riverwalk. Bacillus cereus exhibited resistance to multiple antibiotics, including commonly used ones like Ampicillin and Penicillin G. Resistance to newer antibiotics like Vancomycin was rare. Peace Square, a high-traffic urban area, showed elevated resistance rates in the deeper respiratory regions compared to other locations. Our findings indicate that while overall concentration levels decreased, the threat of antibiotic resistance in bacterial bioaerosols persists, emphasizing the need for continuous monitoring and targeted public health interventions in urban areas.

Concepts Keywords
Agricultural Bacteria aerosol
Antibiotic Bayesian neural network
Colombia Caribbean
December COVID-19 lockdown


Type Source Name
disease IDO bacteria
disease MESH COVID-19
disease IDO antibiotic resistance
drug DRUGBANK Ampicillin
drug DRUGBANK Benzylpenicillin
drug DRUGBANK Vancomycin

Original Article

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